viernes, 31 de julio de 2015

Finally the last blog!!

Hi classmates, this is the last blog of this semester  and I`m going to tell you how was my expierence writing the blogs.
I am almost sure that I never wrote in english more than a few words, so at firts it was difficult to me, beside there were many things I did not know about gramar. Today I think that writting blogs is a little easier, but I still have some complications. I think that the difficulty depends on the topic.
Every week I read the comments of my classmates, also my professor comments. The majority of the comments did not matter in my improvement, some of the professor's comments were useful, for example, I used to write “i” instead of “I” and the professor corrected me that and now I never forget that.
I don`t know what else we could write, maybe, as we write every week, we could write about what we do during the week. But I don`t know, there are a lot of topics to write about.

I realy feel that now I`m better writing blogs, but that`s what I feel, I don`t know if this is true and the only way to know this is that the profesor evaluates me with a 7. jejeje

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